Considering you can now get emergency roadside assistance for as little as $80 bucks a year, you'll be laughing when the time comes to take advantage of your coverage.
But before jumping the gun, the best thing you can do is shop around and review the various providers out there in roadside assistance land.
First up is the cheapest cover we can currently find. Budget Direct offers roadside assistance with unlimited call-outs, 24 hours, 7 days a week, for just $79.95.
RACV offers a basic package called Roadside Care for $110, or a Total Care package for $245, which covers members in any car they drive, as well as being able to nominate an additional vehicle for cover.
Some insurance companies even throw in emergency roadside help if you hold a comprehensive insurance policy with them.
AAMI offers coverage for less than $86 a year, when you have their comprehensive car insurance. This will cover you for flat batteries, flat tyres, emergency fuel, towing of your car and lost or locked-in keys. They'll also help, no matter who’s behind the wheel.
Youi is another insurance company that offers cover but at no extra cost. So if you're with either of these companies, you may want to give them a call and check what's on offer.
If memberships aren't your thing, gotU is an alternate way to get roadside assistance, without having to worry about an annual fee or call-out cost. You just pay for what you use. For example, a jump start or flat tyre change will set you back just $77.
As always, if it's time for a car service or even if you are only after replacement tyres or globes, please get in touch via the contact form on our website or by calling (03) 9859 1688.